
SEI offers a vast choice of graphics to display data.

The Type Selector from the Settings menu makes it easy to toggle between the different types of graphics to choose the desired representation of the data .


Not all the graphics represent the data accurately, therefore it is important to choose the appropriate graphic depending on the type of data.

The View Type selector is organized in categories.

View Type Description

This graphical view is used to display and compare data visually. Available choices include Horizontal Bar, Vertical Bar, Range Bar, Bullet and Stacked Bar.

Line This graphical view is used to display and compare data visually. Available choices include Lines, Area, Spline/Area, Step Line/Area
Pie This graphical view is used to display and compare data visually. Available choices include Pie, Doughnut and Funnel.
Worksheet This view is the most common way of presenting data.
Map This view offers several world and country maps. Countries currently available: USA, Canada, UK, India, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, China, Colombia, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand and Venezuela.

This category contains Gauges, Tree Map, Sparkline graph type and Word Cloud.

  • Gauge and KPI are mostly used for indicators on dashboards, as they are very limited in the amount of data they can display.
  • Sparkline and Complex Sparkline also display only one series of data, such as one information over time.
Scatter This graphical view is used to display and compare data visually. Available choices include Scatter Line, Scatter Spline and Bubble.
Combination This category contains Combination Chart and Historical Chart.
Financial This graphical view is used to display and compare data visually. Available choices include OHLC, Candlestick and Waterfall.
Polar This graphical view is used to display and compare data visually.
Radar This graphical view is used to display and compare data visually.