Pie and Doughnut

In a Pie or Doughnut chart only one measure at a time can be represented. The measure is defined in the Series property. It has no X or Y axis, and no marked zone can be set.

Setting Description


(For Doughnut chart)

Adjusts the thickness of the chart.

Labels & Tooltips  

Show Labels

Defines whether or not labels are shown over the displayed bar/point/sector and to define the formatting of the label.

Show Percentage of Total

When enabled, it allows you to display the total of each group on the chart as percentage. For more accuracy, you can use the Decimal Places option.


The labels can be made with the value or the text or both.


The value can be displayed numerically, abbreviated (rounded to K’s and M’s), or by percentage.

Decimal Places

Select a number of decimals to display for a numeric or percentage format.

Show Line Points (Lines, radar and polar only)

To show or hide the points on the lines.

Total (for Doughnut chart)  

Show Total

When enabled, it allows you to reveal the total from the values in the chart.

Format To choose if you want the total to be displayed shortened (Abbreviate) or fully (Numeric). If you select Numeric, the Decimal Places option will be available for you to choose a number of decimals to display.
Font Color To choose a color for the font of the total.
Bold To apply bold on the total.
Italic To apply italic on the total.
Show Specific Title To define a specific title for the total.
Position To place the title for the total at the Top or at the Bottom.
Font Color To choose a color for the title font of the total.
Bold To apply bold on the title for total.
Italic To apply italic on the title of the total.

Slice Field Name

To indicate the measure on which the chart is created.