
The Gauge View is a simple tool to display critical and important values that are often displayed in Dashboards. This useful tool helps define the gauges appearance and offers a variety of features to customize the content and the layout of your gauge.

Property Description



To select the type of gauge.


To turn the border option on or off.


When this option is activated, the size of each individual gauge is automatically adjusted to fit in the number of columns defined.

Reverse Data

To reverse the data of the gauge for displaying purposes (reverses positive and negative values).

Size (if auto-fit deactivated)

To enter a fixed size for each individual gauge.

Show First

To determine how many gauges will be displayed based on a specific amount of records retrieved.


  Select a theme.

Labels & Tooltips


To view the label (group information) of every gauge.


To choose between top or bottom.

Font Size

To choose a text size and color for the label.

Group Color


Header and Footer


To display or hide the header or footer.


To enter header/footer information to display.

Font Size

To choose a text size and color for the header/footer.





To select where the legend is displayed (top or bottom).


To display or hide the legend of every gauge of this view.

Background color

To choose a text and background color for the legend.

Font Color



Auto scale

To automatically calculate the scale for every gauge, filling in the minimum and/or the maximum values for the scale when this option is On.


If Auto-scale is turned off, choose a field for the max value of the gauge, the subsequent scale will be calculated, thus creating a dynamic limit making it easy to visualize other Fields as a percentage of the chosen Field.

Major Ticks

Number of ticks after the zero. Major ticks have a label with abbreviated values.

Minor Ticks

Number of spaces between two major ticks. Minor ticks are shorter than the major ticks and do not have labels.

Font Size

Font size of the scale labels.


To display inside or outside the gauge (Circular Gauges only).



To enter a value between 1 and 30 that defines the width of the gauge itself.

Range 1-5

To define up to 5 ranges around the gauge. Choose the color of these ranges in these properties.


The Max value for each range is the higher end of the range expressed in percentage of the gauge. The highest range should have a 100% max value, and it is set within less than 5 ranges, the following ones are ignored.


Auto Scale

To automatically calculate the scale for every gauge when this option is On.

Limits Visible

Toggle on or off.


To select the appropriate value.

Show as Percentage

Toggle on or off.


Toggle on or off.

Show Needle

Toggle on or off.

Auto Refresh

