Downloading the Installation Packages

Below are the installation packages necessary to perform the SEI installation.

SEI Component Installation Package Installation Steps
These components must be installed first and in this order:

You can download installation packages from


For Oracle databases, run the required scripts to create SEI users and tablespaces.

Creating Oracle Users and Tablespaces

License Server

SEI License Server.exe Installing the License Server
Central Point Folder and Database

SEI Central Point for SQL Server and Oracle.exe

Installing the Central Point

The Web Server includes the following components:

  • Scheduler API: The Scheduler API is responsible to dispatch jobs to the worker nodes, more precisely the OLAP Worker or the Distribution Worker. The Scheduler API does not require a lot of resources to run and acts more as an alarm by triggering the jobs and sending them to the worker nodes. Depending on the installation scenario, this component can be installed on the same server as the application since it does not consume a lot of resources. The Scheduler API is a newly designed API that replaces these obsolete windows services: Distribution Service and Job Service.

  • OLAP Worker: The OLAP Worker is responsible to process the OLAP jobs such as building and loading cubes, and incrementally refresh cubes. Those jobs can be heavy on the server depending on the number of data that it needs to process. If the server does not meet the performance requirements and there is a lot of jobs running in parallel or long data heavy jobs, the performance of the server might be impacted. If it is the case, this component can be installed separately on another machine to reduce the workload on the application server.

  • Distribution Worker: The Distribution Worker is responsible to process the Distribution jobs such as sending web views, Excel Add-in views, dashboards, and reports by email and on a network drive. These jobs can be heavy on the server depending on the quantity of reports that needs to be generated and sent to users. The generated reports are proportional to the number of users that are defined in a distribution job and the number of distributions that are running at the same time. For those reasons, it is recommended to install the Distribution worker on a separate server than the application.

  • Application : The application is the web component of the system. It is also used to configure and feed the scheduler and therefore needs to be running for the scheduler and the workers to work properly.

SEI Server.exe

Installing the SEI Server (Basic)

Installing the SEI Server (Advanced)

These components can then be installed in any order:    
OLAP Database SEI OLAP For SQL Server.exe Installing OLAP for SQL Server Cube database
Web Central Point Configurator SEI Web Central Point Configurator.exe Installing the Web Central Point Configurator
Excel Add-in

SEI Excel Add-in.exe

Configuring the Excel Add-in Distribution Worker

Installing Excel Add-in