Installing the Central Point

The Central Point package installs the main configuration components of the SEI application: the SEI database and the Central Point folder path.

To install the SEI Central Point for SQL Server and Oracle, use the SEI Central Point For SQL Server and Oracle.exe installation package on the server in which the Central Point folder (repository) should be located.

  1. Run the application SEI Central Point for SQL Server and Oracle.exe and click Next.

  2. In the License Agreement screen, click I accept the terms in the license agreement and click Next.

  3. In the Database Type Selection screen, select SQL Server or Oracle and click Next.

  4. In the Database Files Folder screen, select a location for the database files.

    1. Select the Server Defaults option so that the database server can load the files in its default location, OR click Change... to choose the appropriate location.

    2. Click Next.


    You must select Server Default if the database instance is not installed on the Windows server where you are currently running the installation package.

    The Oracle installation does not require a path for the log files.

    SQL Server



    If the installation fails with an error "Some files name listed could not be created" or such, run the package again and verify:

    • When the Server Defaults option is selected, it indicates that there are already BI License database files in the Server Default location that must be deleted.
    • Otherwise, the user account under which the database instance is running does not have the right to write into the desired path, change its permissions or choose a different location.
  1. In the Central Point Files Folder screen, specify where the Central Point folder will be located. You can click Change... to change the path. It is recommended to back up the folder on a regular basis, take note of this path for your reference.

    Click Next.


    This folder will be created as a shared folder with read/write permissions for everyone and that the shared path will be used later in the installation (the shared path will be given to you in another step).

  1. In the Central Point Configuration screen, provide the following information:

    • The Description will be the expression showing up in the Central Point drop-down in the main login screen of the application.
    • The Short Description will be used to name a working directory on each work station, specific to the user and the Central Point.
    • The Sender Email will be the address from where the automatic emails originate. You can always change this configuration after the installation by using the Web Central Point Configurator tool.
    • The SMTP Server for messaging (email) is your company’s SMTP server, which will be used to relay automatic emails generated by SEI (used during the user creation and password reset as well as the automatic distribution module). You can also use authentication with the SMTP server and SSL.

    Click Next.


    The SMTP is required as it will be used to send credentials to the newly created users, for password recovery and for distribution.

    If this information is not entered during the installation, it can be updated with the Web Central Point Configurator later.

  2. In the Database Server screen, specify where the SEI database will be installed and provide the required credentials for logging onto this server and click Next.

    SQL Server

    For more information about the SQL Server user, refer to SQL Server Authentication).


    The Login ID field is already filled with the default user created using the Oracle script. You can change the user with another one created with that same script.

  1. In the BILicense Database Server screen, indicate the SQL Database Server where the SEI BILicense database has already been installed, and provide the required credentials for logging onto this server. Click Next.

    SQL Server

    For more information about the SQL Server user, refer to SQL Server Authentication).


    The Login ID field is already filled with the default user created using the Oracle script. You can change the user with another one created with that same script.

  2. Click Install.

  3. Click Finish. The installation wizard displays your Central Point path.