Step 3 - Data Model Conversion

The 3 - Data Model Conversion tab allows you to convert your Sage Intelligence containers into SEI data models.

To convert your SI containers:

  1. Click the 3 - Convert SI Containers into SEI Data Models button.

  2. The Datasource Selection pop-up is displayed. Select the required data sources.

    There is one row (data source) per environment as the same data source (for example: Sage 300) will exist in multiple environments (i.e. SAMINC, SAMLTD, etc.). All the required objects (SQL Views, Stored Procedures, etc.) will be created in each environment in the Database/Schema that you see in the pop-up.

  3. To exclude a data source, remove the selection in the Convert column.

  4. Click Convert. The conversion results are displayed in the grid.

    Column Description
    Container ID This is the container ID inside SI. You can refer to this if you need to go back in SI to fix something and run the conversion again.
    Container Name The SI container name.
    Data Model ID The SEI Data Model ID. You can use this ID in the search bar of the SEI Web Application to see the resulting data model. This ID is also used in the various features of Excel Add-In (Formula Wizard, Data Extraction, Pivot Wizard).
    Fact Table

    The name of the table or view created in SQL to store the data based on the initial container in SI. This table or view will be used as fact table in the Data Model created in SEI.

    When an SI pass-through parameter is required, a table and a stored procedure will be created. The stored procedure will be automatically attached to the data model and will ask for the requested parameters when you use the data model.

    When no pass-through parameter is used in SI, a simple SQL view will be created and consumed by the data model in SEI.

    Processed Flag to indicate if the container was converted or not.
    Error Message

    Message indicating the SQL statement that did not execute properly. You can copy this message and paste it somewhere else to analyze the issue in detail. Sometimes the SI containers have errors at the field level (expression); you need to fix them in SI and rerun the conversion again if you need these containers. You can ignore the error message if these containers are not useful anymore.

    You may also see Duplicate of XXXXX ; no conversion required messages. This means that a container with the same definition was already converted. Instead of creating duplicate data models in SEI, the conversion tool does not convert the duplicates and points the reports that were using these duplicate containers to the first converted containers. This provides a clean list of containers since the duplicates are not required in SEI.

  5. Click the 4 - Report Selection tab.