Histogram Sparklines

Histograms are used to represent the frequency distribution of a data set.

A histogram sparkline has the following elements:

  • Bin: The data container which contains data of the specified range of values.

  • Bar: The paint block. The bar height is determined by the following expression if the PaintLabel option is selected : cellRowHeight - labelFontSize - 6px, otherwise, it is determined by: cellRowHeight - 6px.

  • Edge: Border of the bar.

    • If the font size is more than the expression, then the largest integer less than or equal to the expression is taken as the font size.

    • If the height of the cell is less than the cell row height, the font size is 12px.

  • Data Label: The data range displayed in the sparkline. The data label font size is determined by the expression: Math.floor(cellRowHeight/3).

    • If the font size is more than the expression, then the largest integer less than or equal to the expression is taken as the font size.

    • If the height of the cell is less than the cell row height, the font size is 12px.

To create histogram sparklines in the workbook:

  1. Click Insert from the menu.

  2. Click Sparkline and select the histogram sparkline under Bar Sparkline from the list.

  3. In the Create Sparklines dialog box:

    1. Select a range of cells in the same row or the same column.

    2. Select the cell where the sparkline will appear.

    3. Click OK.

  4. The sparkline is displayed in the cell. You can now customize the sparkline by clicking Design from the menu and selecting Settings.

  5. Set the parameters as described below and click OK.

  6. Copy and paste the cell as needed to finalize your histogram sparklines.

Histogram sparkline parameter Description
DataRange Range or calculation array, such as "A1:C6" or "{1,2,2,3,3}". If a cell value isn't a valid number, it will be ignored.

(Optional) If this option is selected, the histogram is continuous; otherwise the histogram is discrete.

  • A discrete histogram represents the data discretely (without continuous intervals) by taking existing values. For example: 20, 34, 38. The values are painted in ascending order.

  • A continuous histogram represents the data by taking a range of continuous values. The intervals for the first bin are left-closed and right-closed, whereas the intervals for the rest of the bins are left-open and right-closed.


(Optional) Boolean that represents whether to show the data label.

Scale Number that represents the data binning width when histogram is continuous (value > 0).
BarWidth Number that represents the percent of bar width according to the average bar width (value > 0 and value <= 1).
BarColor String that represents the bar color.

String that represents the color of bar edge.

LabelFontStyle String that represents the data label font style. It supports custom font style, font weight, font family, font size.

The histogram sparkline formula has the following syntax:
