
You can create and display Dashboard views with several selected views displayed on a single page.

Context Menus

At the folder level:

Right-click Option Description

New Dashboard

To create a new dashboard.

New Folder

To create a new folder.

Rename Folder

To rename a folder.

Delete Folder

To delete a folder.

At the dashboard level:

Right-click Option Description


To open the dashboard.

Open in Sample Mode

To open the dashboard with limited data (top 100). Refer to Sample Mode for Dashboards for more details.

Design Dashboard

To open the Dashboard Designer.

Add to Favorites

To add the dashboard to the Favorites tab.

Rename Dashboard

To rename the dashboard.

Delete Dashboard

To delete the dashboard.


To see dashboard properties.

Set as Landing Page

To set the dashboard to be opened automatically when the user logs in.


To configure the distribution for the current user on the selected View.

Manage Documentation

To select files to upload as reference documents for the users. Add as many files as needed.

Notify Users About Modification

To set notifications.