Version 2025 Release 3 (March)
Web Server Build Number:
Excel Add-in Build Number:
DataSync Build Number:
SEI for Sage 300 Embed Build Number:
March 15, 2025
OLAP Manager
Only one job will now run at a time if several jobs are scheduled on the same cube at the same time.33137
Shopify has been added as a source connector (beta version).31703
The execution time has been updated when setting up a new data extraction.33127
Web Server Templates
Template | Change description |
Acumatica |
Sage Intacct |
Web Server
- Workbooks
The Workbook displayed an error upon opening if it used a data model with a NECFORMULA, pivot, or data extraction that did not exist anymore.33516
When importing Excel Add-in files where NECAccess formulas were using '&' to concatenate long formulas, the Workbook did not correctly handle the conversion of these formulas.33329
Data Entry
If a user clicked on a cell without modifying it and then clicked on another cell, a modification was incorrectly triggered.32451
Fixed a login error ("You cannot use Basic Login") that users sometimes encountered in the SEI cloud.33426
OLAP Manager
The jobs scheduled for a cube were deleted after importing a template that updated the cube.32289
An error could occur in the OLAP Scheduler if the user scheduling a job was in a different time zone than the Web Server.33498
Web Server Templates
Template | Change description |
Sage 300 |
Sage X3 |