DataSync Installation Steps


Ensure the WebDav Publishing feature (windows feature / server manager) is NOT installed on the server.

  1. Download the SEI Data Sync.exe installation package from

  2. Run SEI Data Sync.exe and click Next.

  3. If the wizard detects that some installation prerequisites are missing, it guides the user to retrieve them to carry on.

    Install the missing prerequisites then get back to the SEI DataSync wizard.

  4. Click Next.

  5. In the License Agreement screen, click I accept the terms in the license agreement and click Next.
  6. In the Select Installation Folder screen, leave the value by default and click Next.
  7. In the Application URL screen:
    1. Select if you want to use a secure connection (https) or not (http).
    2. In the Server name field, enter the address from which users will access DataSync.

      For http connection, it could be datasyncserver for http://datasyncserver:8134

      For https connection, it could be for


      As a reminder, https connection mean your domain is binded to a certificate on which some ports were defined for a secure connection (such as the 443 port number).

    3. For the remaining fields, make sure the default ports are not already used. If they are, change the values for those which are available.
    4. Click Next.

  8. In the Identity Server SQL Database screen:

    1. In the Server field, select the database instance that will host the DataSync database.

    2. In the Username and Password fields, enter the Administrator credentials of the database server.

    3. In the Database drop-down list, select an existing database in your server or leave the default value.


      Click Fetch... to retrieve information from your SQL server (instances) and from your database server.

    4. Click Next.


    It is highly recommended to leave the default value in order to have a dedicated database for the DataSync application.

  9. In the SMTP Server Settings screen:

    1. The Sender Email is the address from which the automatic emails will be sent.

    2. The SMTP Server is your company’s SMTP server, which will be used to relay automatic emails generated by SEI DataSync during the user creation and password reset as well for example.

    3. Select the Use TLS/SSL option if you want to use encryption.

    4. In the Port field, enter the port number used for your SMTP server.

    5. Click Next

  1.  Click Install.

  2. Once the installation is done, click Finish.