Scheduler Job History

When jobs have been scheduled and run, you can view the job history in the History tab.

To access the job history:

  1. Open the Scheduler from the Administration menu.

  2. Select a job entry.

  3. Click the Job Properties icon.

  4. The Job Properties page gives you a quick view of the status for each run of the selected job.

    The Result column displays whether the job was successful or failed. If there was a failure, a summary error message will be displayed.

    You can sort the Last Job Run Date column in ascending or descending order by clicking the arrow on the top right.

  5. If a distribution job failed to complete, click on the icon to view details.

Email Notifications

If a distribution job fails to complete, an automatic email is sent to notify of the failure.

  • OnPremise → Admin

  • CloudMode → Admin and ADMCA

  • Example