OAuth 2.0 Configuration Examples

This topic provides examples of what information is expected for an OAuth provider for Microsoft and Google.


Provider Information

Parameter Example Additional Information
Client ID


Can be found on the Overview page of the application registered

Client Secret


Can be created under Certificates & secrets of the application registered

Discovery Endpoint


Can be found under the Endpoints menu found on the Overview page of the application registered

Authorization Endpoint


Can be found under the Endpoints menu found on the Overview page of the application registered

Token Endpoint


Can be found under the Endpoints menu found on the Overview page of the application registered

User Info Endpoint


Generic endpoint for all registered applications


openid, email, offline_access

Required scopes that need to be included in the configuration.

Configuration in Web Client

The following image is an example of the General tab where the values retrieved from the Microsoft provider are set.

Mapping Users

The following image is an example of how to map the Web Client user to their Microsoft account in the Users tab.


Provider Information

Parameter Example Additional Information
Client ID


Can be found on the Overview page of the application registered

Client Secret


Can be created under Certificates & secrets of the application registered

Authorization Endpoint


Generic endpoint that can be found under Authenticating the User

Token Endpoint


Generic endpoint that can be found under Authenticating the User

User Info Endpoint


Generic endpoint for all registered applications


openid, email

Required scopes that need to be included in the configuration

Discovery Endpoint


Generic endpoint that can be found under Discovery document

Configuration in Web Client

The following image is an example of the General tab where the values retrieved from the Google provider are set.

Mapping Users

The following image is an example of how to map the Web Client user to their Google account in the Users tab.