Adding a Schedule

  1. Click New.
  2. Enter the parameters as described below.
  3. Click Save.
Parameter Description
Job Details  
Description Enter a name for your schedule.
Extraction Select on which extraction(s) you want to perform an action.

Select which action you want to perform:

  • Incremental Load: Will only apply the changes from the last time that the extraction was run (based on the Triggers logic or the Date),

  • Load (for a Migration extraction type only): Will load all the data from the source,

  • Truncate and Load: Will delete the destination table if there are data, and then load all from source,

  • Process Delete Record: Will perform deletion in the destination if there was deletion in the source when synchronizing data.

Active Select this option if you want to keep this schedule running.
Max number of logs to keep Set the desired value.
Periodicity Set which frequency the action should be performed according to your needs.
Advanced Set the time zone.