Clear Cache

The SEI Excel Add-in uses a sophisticated caching system to help improve the performance of accessing similar data within a Data Model. Along with process data, the Excel Add-in also caches the security settings defined within a SEI environment.

Some notes to take into consideration if you use the Reporting Tree:

  • At the Filter level of the Reporting Tree, all Filter Nodes and Groups will share the same caching and be automatically adjusted to refresh the data.
  • A level of caching has been added to speed up the Formula refresh without the need to refresh the structure entirely when some information is requested.

To clear the cache manually:

  1. Click Clear Cache in the Add-ins tab.
  2. Select whether to clear the Cache Data Model Data or the Cache Security Data.

  3. If Cache Data Model Data is chosen, select a Reference to clear or select All.

  4. Select the Reporting Tree option to clear the cache of the Reporting Tree filter nodes.
  5. To automatically refresh the worksheet with the most recent data after the cache is cleared, select the Refresh Excel Workbook option.
  6. Click OK.